

The story of “Prometheus” revolves around a team traveling on a spacecraft, “Prometheus.” Their goal is to go to a mysterious planet where they find signs of an ancient alien civilization. The scientists observe an ancient cave painting which contains a map that leads them to the alien civilization. The team includes some important characters such as Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and David, an advanced android.

When the team reaches the planet, they find some strange and dangerous things there. They learn that these aliens, called “Engineers”, created humans, but their intentions are still unclear. As the story progresses, the team learns how they will have to deal with the aliens and what they will have to do for their own survival.

The film has a mix of suspense, action, and philosophical questions, such as what is the real purpose of humans and what is the role of our creators. “Prometheus” is visually stunning and its story will make you think. This movie is a must-watch for sci-fi fans, it will give you thrill and excitement. Click on download button download full movie and also watch full movie online!

Cast & Crew

Role Name Description
Director Ridley Scott Directed the science fiction film Prometheus.
Writers Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof Co-wrote the screenplay for the movie.
Producer Ridley Scott, David Giler, Walter Hill Produced the film under 20th Century Fox.
Lead Actor Noomi Rapace Played Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, the lead archaeologist.
Lead Actor Michael Fassbender Portrayed David, an android aboard the spaceship.
Supporting Actor Charlize Theron Played Meredith Vickers, a representative of Weyland Corp.
Supporting Actor Idris Elba Played Captain Janek, the ship’s captain.
Supporting Actor Guy Pearce Portrayed Peter Weyland, the aging founder of Weyland Corp.
Supporting Actor Logan Marshall-Green Played Charlie Holloway, Elizabeth Shaw’s partner and archaeologist.
Composer Marc Streitenfeld Composed the haunting and atmospheric music.
Cinematographer Dariusz Wolski Directed the film’s cinematography.
Production Designer Arthur Max Designed the futuristic sets and environments.
Studio 20th Century Fox Produced and distributed the movie.

Prometheus full movie

Movie Story & About

“Prometheus” is a sci-fi film released in 2012 and directed by Ridley Scott. The story of this film revolves around a team that travels on a spacecraft, “Prometheus.” Their goal is to go to a mysterious planet, where they find signs of an ancient alien civilization.

The film begins when scientists see an ancient cave painting, which contains a map that takes them to this alien civilization. There are some important characters in the team, such as Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, who is an archaeologist, and David, an advanced android who accompanies the team.

When this team reaches the planet, they have to go there Some strange and dangerous things are found. They learn that these aliens, called “Engineers”, created the humans, but their intentions are still unclear. As the story progresses, the team learns how they will have to deal with the aliens and what they will have to do for their own survival.

The film has a mix of suspense, action, and philosophical questions, such as what is the real purpose of humans and what is the role of our creators. “Prometheus” is visually stunning and its story will make you think. This movie is a must-watch for sci-fi fans, which will give you thrill and excitement. Enjoy watching!

Watch Prometheus Hollywood Si-fi movie online

Dive into the thrilling world of Prometheus (2012), directed by Ridley Scott, a science fiction masterpiece that explores the origins of humanity. Follow a team of explorers as they journey to a distant planet, searching for answers to mankind’s existence. With a stellar cast featuring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, and Charlize Theron, Prometheus blends stunning visuals with thought-provoking themes.

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